Walk-in-Interview for 05 posts of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) as contractual in the following projects will be held at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Gwalior, on 10-11-2022 from 10:00 AM onward.
1. Development of drug master file and dossier on roots of Withania somnifera, an important promising medicinal plant based on from Ayurveda and contemporary research. Project Duration: 02 years
2.posts: Comparative Phyto-chemical and pharmacological evaluations of small branches with root or stem bark of selective Ayurvedic plants. Project Duration: 02 years
3.posts: "Development of Quality Standards of Selected Extra Pharmacopoeia (AnuktaDravya) Drugs used in Local Health Traditions collected from different regions of India" Project Duration: 02 years