Web: http://www.mscesnp.in, Mob:8607400783
Applications are invited on Regular basis for the following positions:
Principal-1 (for B.Ed. Course)
B.Ed. Course: (Teaching Posts)- Assistant Professors in Perspectives in Education-4, Assistant Professors in Pedagogy Subjects (Maths-2, Science-2, Social Sciences-2 & languages (Eng., Hindi-1 each)-8, Assistant Professor one each in Health & Physical Education, Fine Arts and Performing Arts.
Non Teaching Posts: Library Attendant-1, Lab. Assistant-1, Office Assistant-cum Accountant-1, Computer Operator-1, Store Keeper-1, Technical Assistant-1, Lab Attendant-1, Chowkidar, Peon-cum-Safai Karamchari-2
Qualifications, Pay Scale and Experience as per NCTE, New Delhi/M.D.U., Rohtak /Haryana Government norms.
Apply giving full particulars in duplicate and send one copy to the Chairman of college and other copy to Dean, Colleges Development Council, M.D.U, Rohtak along with attested copies of all relevant documents, experience, resume and four passport size photographs within 21 days of publication of this advertisement. (Upto 22 Nov 2022). Candidate can download application form from college website.