SBI ग.प्र.स.
Directors of ICAR Research Institute/Project
Subject: Filling up of 1 vacant post of Assistant Administrative Officer (ST) at ICAR-
Sugarcane Breeding Institute -reg
It is proposed to fill up 01 vacant post of Assistant Administrative Officer (ST) in this Institute on permanent absorption basis from eligible candidates working in ICAR Institutes. The particulars of the post and eligibility are as given below.
Name of the post-Assistant Administrative Officer (ST)
Eligiblity-Assistants in the Level 06 (PB-2, Rs.9300-34800 + GP 4200/-) having rendered 5 years of regular service in the grade.
It is requested that the vacancy may please be circulated amongst the eligible and desired candidates, working at your Institute and also in regional stations. Application of only such candidates who can be relieved immediately in the event of their selection may please be forwarded in the enclosed proforma along-with the attested copies of APAR for the last 5 years. A certificate to the effect that no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or being contemplated against the alongwith integrity certificate may also be furnished while forwarding the application through proper channel.
The applications received without CR dossiers or vigilance clearance or integrity certificate will not be entertained. The applications should reach this office on or before 1st August 2022.