Applications are invited for filling up of 06 Temporary posts of Scientists under NANO Mission in the Department of Science & Technology on Deputation [Including Short Term basis (ISTC)] basis.
NAME OF POST:Scientist 'C'
Scientists or Technologists working in the Central Government or State Governments or Universities or recognised research Institutions or Semi Government or Statutory or Autonomous organisations in India or abroad:
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or
(ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the Pay level 10, Rs. 56100-177500 or equivalent, and (b) possessing the educational qualifications and experience as under:
Qualifications & experience:
i. Master's degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized university or
cquivalent. ii Four years' experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organization and scientific activities and services
i.) Doctorate degree in Materials Engineering or Technology from a recognized university or equivalent. ii. Some Industry experience in Novel Materials product will be an added advantage
Level-12 in the pay matrix Rs. 78800-209200 (Pre-revised Rs. 15600-39100 plus Grade Pay Rs. 7500/-)
One (one)
Deputation (including short-term contract)
Three years or till the completion of the mission,
whichever is earlier.
Scientists or Technologists working in the Central Government or State Governments or Universities or recognised research Institutions or Semi Government or Statutory or Autonomous organisations in India or abroad: (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or
(ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the Pay level 1, Rs. 67700-208700 or equivalent; and
(b) possessing the educational qualifications and experience as under:
Qualifications & experience:
Master's degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized university or
equivalent. Eight years' experience in research and development in industrial and academic Institution or science and technology organisations or scientific activities and services, out of which four years shall be in science and technology programme, planning, development and co-operation. iv
iii. Doctorate degree in Materials Engineering or Technology from a recognized university or equivalent.
iv. Some Industry experience in Novel Materials product will be an added advantage
Scientist 'E'
Level-13 in the pay matrix Rs. 123100-215900 (Pre-revised Rs. 37400-67000 plus Grade Pay Rs. 8700/-)
Scientists or Technologists working in the Central Government or State Governments or Universities or recognised research Institutions or Semi Government or Statutory or Autonomous organisations in India or abroad:
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or
(ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pay level-12. Rs.78800-209200 or equivalent; or (iii) with ten years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pay level-11, Rs, 67700-208700 or equivalent; and
(b) possessing the educational qualifications and experience as under
Qualifications & experience:
i. Doctorate degree in Materials Science or Engineering, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology or Bachelor's or Master's degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized university or equivalent
ii. Ten years' experience in research and development in industrial and academic institutions or science and technology organisations or scientific activities and services, out of which five years shall be in managerial capacity in science and technology programme, planning, development and cooperation.
i. Post doctorate research in Materials or Chemical Technology and Nanotechnology or doctorate degree in Engineering or technology from a recognized university or research institute, with publication of research work in journals of repute.
ii. At least 3 years Industrial experience with a reputed Materials/ Chemicals Manufacturing firm
Note 1:
a. For the posts of Scientist 'C' and 'D': Period spent on acquiring essential qualifications shall not count towards experience. However, period spent on acquiring doctorate degree from a recognised University or Institute in cases where doctorate degree is not an essential qualification, subject to a maximum of two years, and period spent on post doctorate research in a University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute, subject to maximum of two years, shall be counted as experience.
b. For the posts of Scientist 'E":
Period spent on acquiring essential qualifications shall not count towards experience. However, period spent on post doctorate research in a University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute, subject to maximum of two years, shall be counted as experience
Note 2: The period of deputation, including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in same or some other Organizations or Department of the Central Government shall not ordinarily exceed three years, which may be extended further on year to year basis, subject to a maximum of 5 years with the approval of the competent authority.
Note 3: Departmental candidates in the feeder category, who are in the direct line of in- situ promotion under Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS), shall not be cligible for consideration for appointment on deputation except for the ex-cadre post for which they are not the feeder grade officers. Similarly, deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for in-situ promotions under FCS.
Note 4: The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not exceed 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application
The Department reserves the right to cancel the appointment at any time without assigning any reason.
ii. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitic candidates to be called for interview. If the number of applications received in response to Advertisement is large, the Department may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to à reasonable limit through a short listing process based on some -well-defined criteria which may include possessing of desirable qualifications and/or Experience prescribed in the advertisement and/or qualifications/experience in a particular field as per the specific requirement of the Department. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates who are not called for interview/selected for appointment Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification of candidature.
Only the experience acquired after obtaining essential qualification shall be counted towards total experience. The selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere as per Government requirements. iv.
V The terms and conditions of appointment will be in accordance with the Department of Personnel & Training's O.M. No. 2/29/91-Estt. (Pay. II) dated 5 January, 1994, as amended from time to time.
The pay of the selected candidates will be regulated as per the rules of Govt. of India
applicable to foreign deputation posts on the date of appointment Application duly supported by documents will be assessed by the Selection Committee while selecting candidates for appointment on deputation (including short term contract) basis. The candidates who apply for the posts will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. vi..
The candidates selected for the posts are required to join the posts as soon as the formalities of their appointment are completed or as soon as the present incumbent remits the office, whichever is later Accordingly, the candidates are expected to be available for briefing/orientation programme etc.
HOW TO APPLY: The application process involves two stages: A. Filling up of online application form
(a) Eligible candidates are required to apply Online only, through the online portal using valid email ID. This online portal for applying shall be available for a period of 30 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News / Rozgar Samachar
(b) The candidate will be required to fill the online application form and upload the relevant certificates/ documents. Instruction to fill up the application form is available on
Note 1: Certificate (s) issued by foreign University(s)/Institution(s) must be certified by Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi by way of equivalence certificate(s). However, in case where All does not entertain applications for equivalence of such professional degrees awarded by foreign universities in disciplines which are presently outside the purview of AT and where such cases are handled by the respective professional councils (recognised by Government of India), the applicant needs to upload equivalence certificate(s) issued by such professional council. Candidates will have to produce all the original certificates thereof as and when required
Note 2: In case the applicant is presently working in State Govt./PSU/Autonomous organization/University ere where the pay scales are not identical to the pay scales of central Government, the candidate will have to upload Gazette notification/government order (s) wherein such pay scales of State Govt./PSU/Autonomous organization/University etc have been equated to corresponding pay scale/level of 7" CPC in Central Government. In this connection the onus of providing such equivalence shall be on the applicant and in such cases. the decision of the Department shall be fina! & binding
Note 3: Experience/employment certificates for work/research work must clearly indicate the date of joining, date of relieving and post held.
B. Submission of hard copy of application by registered or speed post:
(a) Hard copy of the computer generated application (duly signed by the candidate) should be taken out by the candidate. No print out of the enclosed documents/ certificate is required to be forwarded with the hard copy of the application.
(b) Candidates working in Government Departments / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Organizations/ Universities/ recognized Research Institutions should apply through proper channel. Such applications will be considered only if received through proper channel with 'Certificate' duly signed by the Competent Authority in the prescribed formal (Annexure-I) within the prescribed time Emit.
(a) Physical copies of applications if received after the last date shall not be considered even if the online application is filled before the last date. Hence, it is the responsibility of such candidates to follow up their applications in their department /organization and ensure that their applications. completed in all form and duly verified by their competent authority are received by this Department within the prescribed time limit Also, incomplete applications in any form shall be summarily rejected. Applications received after the last date of receipt of applications due to any reason including postal delay or delay in forwarding by the concerned forwarding authority etc. shall not be considered. No relaxation shall be given in this regard.
(d) The application form duly signed by the candidate along with attested copies of ACRS/ APAR for the last five years may be forwarded through proper channel to Under Secretary (Establishments 111.). Department of Science and Technology. Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016 by Registered Post or by Speed Post within 15 days 30 days for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh. Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) from the last date of closure of online portal (.e. 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News / Rozgar Samachar) Candidates are advised not to send applications by ordinary posts or through courier.
(c) A list of applications received within prescribed time and date shall be posted on DST's website after closing date for receipt of applications. The candidates are advised to check the status of their applications. Any representation in this regard (non-inclusion of name in the list of applications. received within the prescribed time limit) can be tiled within seven days of date of posting the list on the website along with the relevant proof of delivery of application in Department of Science & Technology within the prescribed time limit.
Advance copies of Applications will not be entertained.