Applications are invited for filling the vacant post of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in RADIO-DIAGNOSIS (UR-01) on AD-HOC basis in Pay Matrix Level-11 under 7th CPC for a period of six months, extendable based on requirement/satisfactory performance after giving usual break or till regular appointment, whichever is earlier.
Interested candidates should apply in prescribed format along with a DD towards non-refundable fee of Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- in case of SC/ST) drawn in favour of 'Director, VPCI' payable at Delhi. No fee will be charged from the persons with disabilities. The application form can be downloaded from the Institute's website: The last date of submission of application is 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
Details of the posts, qualifications, terms and conditions can be obtained from Institute's website: . Any further addendum/corrigendum shall be uploaded in the Institute's website only.