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Take my life back with Digital Detox #vrdigitallydetox
Dec 09, 2022   Vikas Suhag

Daily screen Time for digital Detox #vrdigitallydetox

There was a time when we used to manage our phones, now mobiles are so smart that they manage us. Since long time I feel like, I am in the trap of smartphone. Some of the symptom of being trapped in smartphone are:
1. Always waiting for some notifications.
2. Picking the phone when you have nothing to do, that means you are searching for life in your smartphone.
3. Using the phone while eating, in meetings.
4. Can't wait to finish your work on listening the notification tone.

I started to notice that, I am not able to concentrate on my daily works and memory is getting weak, I need to keep To-Do list in phone, sticky notes in laptop, I have three morning alarms.
I felt like I am addicted to it. I saw the same with many others in my surrounding, but discussing such thing with others is like revealing your life secrets for others to laugh and make a joke of it. So I started finding solution for that. Searched for remedies on internet, youtube and found that there are already many videos which help you cure your addiction for social media and other distracting notifications.

I know it is very hard to get rid of this addiction, I took off all my social media accounts on 23 May 2021 be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter but not whatsapp and youtube. This remedified upto some extent, but still there were notifications from other apps like Paytm, whatsapp, emails, amazon and so many others.

Recently in December, I am back on Instagram and Facebook, But I have not posted any content on facebook, I use only Instagram to promote my youtube channel.

Over this period of 6 months or so, I realized that, I can take control of my usage of smartphone. But what could be steps that we can take control of ourself from mobile addiction.

1. One thing I learnt from an Youtube series Kota factory. Tell everyone that you want to get rid of mobile addiction. They will keep reminding you about that.
2. Turn off all your apps notifications.
3. Find something interesting that will keep you busy and you never feel of boredom and look into your mobile to find pleasure. It could be reading book, cycling, start a blog, learn photography etc.
4. Take screenshot of your daily screen time, number of notifications you receive and number of times you unlocked your phone.

I am beginning a experiment on me for Digital Detox, since I am a Computer Science Post Graduate and always in front of active screen, so it is very difficult. So I will be practicing course of action below for digital detox and will try to minimize my addiction without hampering my work.
So I will not be uninstalling any social media app. Rather I will use those apps only to reduce my screen time, notifications and phone usage.

Course of actions:
1. I will post my screen time, number of notifications and number of unlocks on Instagram, Facebook with #vrdigitallydetox.

This will motivate me to reduce values for these three parameters and so will be posting these everyday before sleep and after that mobile will be set to Do Not Disturb Mode to avoid more notifications.

Many of you may argue that, what a joke to social detox using social media. Since we can't leave our phone completely, not because we are addicted rather they are useful too. I tried shifting to keypad phone, but there are certain apps which we can't lose like I use Paytm, BHIM for making most of my payments, whatsapp is part of Job, Outlook, Gmail, Arogya Setu, Drive,Camera etc.

If you wish to try this experiment, then lets follow these steps to find those parameter in your phone.
Android Phones
1. Go to Settings
2. Search "Screen Time", you will get Digital wellbeing. Click on that you will get a Dashboard like this.

Do join this experiment and detox yourself by posting your screenshots with #vrdigitallydetox

All these are my personal view and I wish to practice this on my own. Any loss or damage to you will be your sole responsibility.

I will keep updating this post with links to videos and blogs from various motivational speakers related to Digital Detox.

Do let me know your experience in comments below.

I will keep updating this article with experiences.

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