For the following Teaching staff
Professor-1, Associate Professors-04, Asstt. Professors-08 each in following branches: C.S.E., Civil Engg., Elect. Engg., E.C.E., Mech. Engg.
Asstt. Professors:- Maths-2, Chemistry-2, Physics -2,
English-2, Management-5, Reasoning-2
Asstt. Professors:- Maths-10, Chemistry-10, Physics-10, Zoology-05, Botany-06, English-02, Pol. Science-01, History-01, Geography-03, Commerce-06, Hindi-01, Economics-01, Sanskrit-01, Computer Science-2
Qualifications, Experience & Salary as per Govt. of Haryana /MDU norms
Interested candidates may submit the filled application form alongwith all required testimonials to the college & a copy of the same is also to be sent to DCDC, IGU, Meerpur, Rewari by post or by hand along with processing fee of Rs. 1000/- upto 24th January, 2023.
Note: The Application form can be collected from College office during office hours or may be downloaded from above mentioned college websites.
Ph.:+91-1285-241431/32, +91-8053117441, 8222999153