A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking (Assuring Quality, Saving lives)
Phone No.: (0674) 2380608, Website: www.osmcl.nic.in, E-mail: rec.osmcl@nic.in
Advt. No. 03 /OSMCL/2022
Date: 09.12.2022
Walk in interview will be conducted as scheduled below for engagement of different contractual positions in Odisha State Medical Corporation Ltd. with fixed monthly remuneration. The aforesaid positions are purely temporary.
Name of the post
Audit Officer
Assistant Audit Officer
Date & Time of Registration /Interview
16.12.2022, 10:30 AM
16.12.2022, 14.30 PM
Interested candidate can log on
www.osmcl.nic.in, for details eligibility criteria, ToR, etc. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may appear for registration/interview on the date as mentioned against the positions along with the filled application form & requisite documents. Registration time will be fixed as mentioned above. No application will be received after scheduled date & timing of registration.
VENUE: Odisha State Medical Corporation Ltd, Unit-3, Convent Square, Bhubaneswar- 75100, Odisha.