Applications are invited for filling up following vacancies on deputation (including short-term contract) basis in National Human Rights Commission.
Name of the post-
1. Joint Director (Research
2. Senior Research Officer
3. Research Officer
4. Senior Research Assistant
5. Research Assistant
Note:Detailed eligibility and other term & conditions of above said posts and Proforma of
1.(i) Number of posts /vacancies may vary. (ii) Commission reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the vacancy notice.
application is available in the Commission's website
3. These vacancies are meant for deputation (including short-term contract) only. Only officers of the Central Government, State Governments, Union Territories, autonomous or statutory organisations, Public Sector Undertakings, Universities or recognised Research Institutions should apply for these posts. Fresh candidates, retired officers or persons serving in Private Sector/Organizations should not apply for these posts, their applications will not be considered.
4. The deputation will be governed by the terms and conditions contained in the Department of Personnel and Training's O.M. No.6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay.ll) dated 17.6.2010 as amended from time to time.
5. The maximum age-limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding fifty- six years, as on the closing date of receipt of application.
6. The applications of eligible candidates who are desirous of being considered for appointment to the posts meant for deputation and can be spared immediately, may please be forwarded to the Under Secretary (Estt), National Human Rights Commission, Manav Adhikar Bhawan, Block-C, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi- 110023 latest by 20.06.2023 alongwith attested photocopies of APARS for the last 05 years. Integrity Certificate and vigilance/disciplinary clearance.
7. Applications of eligible candidates received through proper channel by the due date
will only be considered.