NTPC School of Business invites application from prospective candidates for various teaching posts in subject areas including Marketing, Operation (Decision Science), Information Technology, Finance, Strategy,Entrepreneurship, Energy Economics, Civil Engineering, General Management, Environmental Science, Carbon Management, Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence, Operations Research, Data Science and Digital Entrepreneurship, Energy Economics, Civil Engineering, General Management, Environmental Science, Carbon marketing.
The details of the positions are given below:
1. Assistant Professor
2. Professor
3. Associate Professor
4. Professor of practice
5. IT assistant
6. Library assistant
Applications are also invited for various non teaching staff positions as per details given below:
1. Registrar
2. Assistant registrar
3. Head training and placement
Last date to apply is April 1, 2023, 5.00pm. For more details please visit: https://nsb.ac.in/careers/