The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has set up various AIIMS under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) as Institutions of National Importance, including AllMS at AIIMS Bathinda (Punjab), AllMS Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), AllMS Bhubaneswar (Odisha) AllMS Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh), AllMS Deoghar (Jharkhand), AllMS Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) AllMS Jodhpur (Rajasthan), AllMS Kalyani (West Bengal), AIIMS Vijaypur (UT of J&K), AIIMS Raebareli (Uttar Pradesh), AIIMS Rajkot (Gujarat), AllMS Madurai (Tamil Nadu). AIIMS Awantipora (UT of J&K) and AllMS Patna (Bihar). Applications from eligible candidates are invited in the prescribed proforma for appointment on transter on deputation basis (including short term contract) for the post of Financial Advisor, as detailed under-
Name of the post - Financial advisor
No of posts -01
AIIMS for which the post is to be filled -
1. AllMS Bathinda (Punjab)
2 AIIMS Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
3 AllMS Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
4. AllMS Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh)
5 AllMS Deoghar (Jharkhand)
6 AIIMS Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh)
7. AllMS Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
8. AllMS Kalyani (West Bengal)
9. AllMS Vijaypur (UT of J&K))
10. AIIMS Raebareli (Uttar Pradesh)
11 AIIMS Rajkot (Gujarat)
12. AIIMS Madurai (Tamil Nadu)
13. AIIMS Awantipora (UT of J&K)
14. AIIMS Patna (Bihar)
2. The last date for receipt of applications from eligible candidates is the 45th day from the date of
publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. 3. Detailed advertisement and application format are available on the website of this Ministry at and and can be downloaded from there. Duly led in application in prescribed proforma along with attested copies of all relevant certificates are to be sent to Shri Dinesh Kumar, Joint Director (PMSSY-V), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Room No. 201, D-Wing, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011 superscribing the envelope "Application for the post of Financial Advisor at new AIIMS™
4. Period of deputation, including period of deputation in any other ex cadre post hold immediately.
preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organisation/Department shall ordinarily not
exceed three years. The tenure of deputation period would be initially for three years and further extension up to a period not exceeding 7 years may be considered in administrative exigencies as per prevailing rules/Instructions of Government of India. Any extension beyond initial deputation period of 3 years would be subject to overall performance and in such a scenario, the place of posting Is liable to be changed to the post of Financial Advisor in any other AIIMS as per availability of vacancy.
5. Allocation of AIMS: The final place of postings of selected candidates shall be decided by the Ministry
6. Upper age limit: The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years.