Hauz Khas,New Delhi - 110016
Website: www.iitd.ac.in
ONLINE applications are invited from the Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on Direct Recruitment basis:-
Name of the post-
1. Technical Assistant
2. Junior Technical Officer
3. Technical Officer
4. Junior Superintendent (Hospitality)
5. Medical Officer (Psychiatry)
Age limit/ relaxation is as per point 13 of Appendix A1 (Notification containing Provisions) on page no. 11 & 12 of Recruitment and Promotion Rules (Amendments) 2022 for non-academic staff of the Institute which is available on the RTI website of the Institute. http://rti.iitd.ac.in/
Applicants from allied areas and subjects in Departments/Centers/Schools/Units of IIT Delhi may also apply. The decision of the Shortlisting Committee based on requirement will be final in this regard subject to approval of Competent Authority.
How to apply:For further details/information regarding qualification, experience, general instructions etc., kindly visit the Institute website, viz., <www.iitd.ac.in> (Please see column Jobs@IITDelhi under the heading non-academic positions). Last date for submission of application through ONLINE MODE is 12.05.2023.