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How to study for exams ?
Dec 09, 2022   Ritu Suhag

How to study for exams

This article is based on book summary of "How to become a student" and "How to win at college" by Cal Newport.
There is a popular saying by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam that "You cannot change your future, you can change your habits and surely your habits will change your future". So, in order to increase your concentration and memory power, you must change your habits. You can follow these easy steps to maximize your efficiency before examinations :-

1. Manage your time in 5 minutes a day
After you wake up in the morning, give five minutes to make a "To do list" because if you keep all your work to be done in your memory then probability becomes very high that it will decrease your efficiency. The "undone" work will keep disturbing you until it is done. If we make a "To do list" then our brain becomes more energetic and we can also set our priorities. We should make a list of subject, chapter, article that we need to focus more and should set our priorities.

2. Say no to procrastination
There are basically 4 methods to do this :-
Keep you a work progress journal: - before you sleep make a priority wise list of all the task that you need to complete. After few days it will convert into habit. Also you can track your progress. Recent study prove that only by writing task on paper the probability of its completion increases manifold.

3. Maintain good energy level
You must have noticed it that when we have low energy we tend to procrastinate our work. Imagine yourself as a machine and try to provide it with a good fuel. When we are on low energy state our will power will be zero that will lead to procrastination. To keep yourself in high energy state we can do three things :-

  1. Never skip a meal
  2. Hydrate yourself
  3. Have good diet

4. Make an event out of worst task
After completing any difficult task try to give reward to yourself it can be in the form of a some outing, dining out , having your favourite food or rewarding yourself with some materialistic thing.
5. Choose your hard day
We all have many hard days in our life. So you must have a check on your hard days. Wisely select some days of a week in which your only job is to study. Turn off your mobile phones during studying. Next question that comes in our mind is when to study ? Where to study ? And for how much time we need to study ?
And answers to these questions are very simple. Best time to study is in the morning as we feel fresh at that time and there is no one to disturb us.
The answer to next question i.e where to study? Is that we should study in isolation where there is no one to disturb us, where we can self study easily. The answer to "How long should you study" is that not more than one hour at a time without a break. Your break needs to be only 5 to 10 minutes. This disengagement help refresh your mind and facilitate the process of finding new angles and insights when you begin your work again.

Finally we can only conclude that
"Ability teaches how we do
Motivation determine why we do
and Attitude decides how well we do"

Article contributed by Ritu Suhag

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