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How to prepare for job
Sep 02, 2023   Vikas Suhag

Everyone want to live a happy, healthy and wealthy life. Nowadays all these are directly or indirectly related to how much money and time you have. So earning money becomes a obvious choice for everyone. There are lot of ways to achieve this such as start your own small business like grocery shop, mechanic workshop, barber shop etc. Freelance working, startup, consulting, job etc. All these money earning methods have their own pros and cons. In this article I will focus on how to grab your dream job in dream company.

All these steps mentioned below are required to be executed before taking admission or just after admission to give a direction to your upcoming years of study.

I will provide a checklist of task for that purpose.

  1. Identify your dream company or sector such as apple, Google, Facebook are the companies while IT, Civil, health care are example of sector.
  2. Checkout the latest job advertisements from the companies according to your area of interest if admission is not taken or search for jobs related to area of your study if admission is already taken.
  3. Check profile of company like what's area of work this company perform and expections from its employees. Jot down all these key areas or skill mentioned in their advertisement.
  4. Prepare a cumulative list of skills required by different companies in a particular sector.
  5. Start learning each of the skill and become master all those skills or technologies.
  6. Once you attained all these skills or knowledge, it is mandatory to experiment that in real life by creating projects. Some skill may require laboratory or permission from government. Try taking permission for those wherever resources are available.
  7. These projects or application of knowledge and skill is the key to success.
  8. During the process of learning you will come across various issues, which you will search over the internet and find solution to those problems. These new findings and online resources which helped you in solving the issues will be your helping hands later. So note down all those important website either in some excel file or bookmark all those in browser and categorize into folders.


All these steps are general and applicable to everyone. Now let's understand the same in context of computer science.

Suppose you are interested to be part of the IT world. Follow all above steps and achieve the desired skills or technology.

Computer science people have one special advantage of having a laptop is like having access to complete lab.

If you look at the skills demanded by various companies, you will find that there are certain group of skill which are required together. So you need to all those related skill not just a single skill of choice of different skills or technology.

For example : for a web developer job, it will be required to have knowledge of client side technology such as

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, jQuery

one set of server side technology like

  1. MSSQL and ASP.NET
  2. Oracle and Java
  3. MySQL and PHP


So for every post of web developer you will need to study client side technology as mandatory and 1 out of 3 server side options. Nowadays these options could be more.

Once you have learned the technology and applied to develop some practical application. You will feel confident and motivated for any jobs in that skill area. You are sure to succeed no one can stop you from a better life. Over the years you will learn that job is not the only option for those who have good skill.

Once you are expert of the technology then you can contribute your knowledge to various online community group or discussion forum. Contributing in online forums will not only boost your confidence but also provide you opportunity for networking with like minded people. This networking and public contribution will help you grow much faster in your field. There are various such forum like stack overflow, Google codes, visual studio community, Microsoft forum, quora etc.

Stack overflow is an open community for discussion over all topics of computer science. People from all level of experience and companies post their code, query and help each other. Finding the like minded and people from the desired company can be contacted to discuss problems.

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