GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Office of Development Commissioner (MSME)
Applications are invited for the following posts
1. General Manager, Indo German Tool Room (IGTR), Ahmedabad 2. Principal Director, Fragrance and Flavour Development Centre (FFDC), Kannauj
2. A new challenging opportunity awaits you to work as General Manager/Principal Director of Autonomous Bodies (Government of India Societies under Ministry of MSME)
We are looking for energetic, dynamic and talented professionals having domain knowledge, skill sets and leadership qualities, who wish to leverage their experience & knowledge to deliver high results in the respective sector
Eligibility Criteria along with detailed Advertisement & Application Proforma are available on website, and If interested to work at challenging work environment, the duly filled Application, as per the Proforma given in detailed advertisement on Website and website of the concerned Autonomous Body viz and,should reach by speed/registered post only at the following address by 24.01.2023.
"Additional Development Commissioner (TC), Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME), Room No.-717, 7th Floor, A-Wing, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110011".
(Separate applications should be sent for separate post/locations. The envelope containing the application must be superscribed with application for the vacancy of respective position/location applied for.............). Those who have applied earlier for the post of Principal Director, FFDC, Kannauj need not apply again.