Applications are invited for firing up 21 (Twenty onel posts of Assistant in the Pay
Matrix Level (Rs. 35 400-1,12,400/-) by deputation (including short-term contractin
Farakka Barrage Project, a sub-ordinate office under Mou, DoWR RD & GR
2. BRIEF JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible for fulfiling the file works assigned to him by Section Officers regarding establishment, general administration vigilance, estate, procurement, budget, finance, coordination, etc. and to keep vigil on the menegement and movement of tes 3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territories
Administrations or Public Sector Undertaking Statutory Organizations/Universities
B) Holding analogous post on regular basis, or
(i) with 10 years regular service in the Pay Matrix level-4 (Ra 25,500-81, 100/) in the
parent cadre/department and possessing Degree from a recognized University
Note 1: The departmental officer in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
promotion will not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Gimary
deputation shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion
Note 2: For the purpose of appointment on deputation/absorption basis, the service
rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1st January, 2006 the date from which
the revised pay structure based on the recommendations of the sixth Central Pay
Commission has been wefended shall be deemed to be service rendered in the
corresponding grade pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the
said Pay Commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-
revised scale of pay into one grace with a common grade pay or pay scale and where
this benefit will extend only for the post(s) for which that grade pay or pay scale is the
normal replacement grade without any up-gradation
4. PERIOD OF DEPUTATION The period of deputation including period of depulation in another ex cadre post hed
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Goverment shall be not exceeding 3 years 5. AGE The mecimum age limt for appointment by deputation (including short-term contract)
shall not be exceeding 56 years es on the closing date of receipt of applications
6. The cut-off date for determining the qualtying servicesexperience and age of the
candidate for the post will be the last date of receipt of appication
7. Any officer once selected shall not be allowed to withdraw or refuse to join and it shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring authority to release the selected officers
within one month of the sue of the appointment order.
8. The officer selected will have the option to draw his grade pay plus deputation (duty) allowance or to have his pay fixed in the scale of pay of the deputation post in terms of Department of Personne & Traning CM No 68/2009-Est (Pay-1, dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to
9. Applications with full particulars of
the applicant in Annexure-I to IV should reach to the General Manager, Farakka Barrage Project, PO. Farakka Barrage, Dist. Murshidabad (West Bengal) 742212 within 30 days from the date of issue of this circular or publication of this advertisement in the Employment News whichever later All appications will no treated ct confidential Those from Government and
Public Sector should apply "Through proper channel". Application without full details
as asked for are liable to be rejected.
10. Application of only such officerscandidates will be considered as are routed
through proper channel and are accompanied win (1) Bio-data in quadruplicate) in the
Proforma as given in Annexure-2 () Photocopies of ACR/APARS for the last five years duly attested by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary) Vigilanon Clearance as given in Annexure-3 (iv) Statement giving detalls of major or minor penalties imposed an officer, if any, during the last ten years as given in Annexure-4 and (v) Integrity Certificate as given in Annexure 5 and (vi) Cadre Clearance 11. The details of advertisement and the application forms can also be downloaded from the FBF's website
1. Name of Post: Assistant
2. Number of Posts: 21 (Twenty one) 3. Classification: General Central Service Group VE' Non-Gazad Mustal
4. Pay Matrix: Level (Rs. 35.400-1 12.403) 5. Period of deputation: The period of deputation including period of deputation in ex cadre post held Immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Goverment shall ordinary not exceed 3
years 6. Duties and responsibilities of the post: Responsible for fulfilling the file works assigned to him by Saction Officers regarding establishment, general administration
vigilance, estate procurement, budget finance, coordination etc. and to keep vigil on
file management and movement of fles
7. Pay & Allowances: The officer selected will have the option to draw his grade pay plus deputation (duty) alowance or to have his pay foxed in the scale of pay of the
deputation post in terms of Department of Personnel & Training OM No 6/2000- Estt (Pay II), dated 17 08 2010 (as amended from time to time). 8. Qualifications, Experiences and Eligibility required for the post: Officers of the
Central Government or State Government or Union Textories Administrations or
Public Sector Undertaking, Statutory Organizations/Universities
By holding analogous post on regular basis, or 1) Wem 10 yeare regular service in the Pay Matrix level 4 (Rs. 25,500-81,100/-) in the parent cadre/department and possessing Degree from a recognized University.