Subject: Appointment of Various Posts on contract basis in CIET, NCERT - reg. CIET, NCERT will held walk-in-interview to appoint various posts under the PAC/PAB approved programmes for the year 2022-23. The posts are on purely contractual basis up to 31 March, 2023. The details are as under.
A). Senior Technical Consultant: (Unity Developer) (01)
B). Senior Technical Consultant: (PHP Programmer) (01)
C.)Technical Consultant (Unity Developer)
D.)3D Graphic Developer
E.)Consultant (Academic)
F.)Technical Consultant(Mobile Developer) Android developer-1 iOS developer-I
Dates of Interviews: Will be intimated to shortlisted candidates Last date: 15 days from the date of advertisement
Candidates are invited for appearing in the interview on the scheduled date at 9.00 am and report to Section Officer (SO). Planning & Research Division (P&RD) Room No.242. CIET 2nd floor, Chacha Nehru Bhawan, CIET, NCERT, New Delhi- 110016 with copies of original certificates and testimonials for verification.
1. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility conditions in terms of (i) educational qualifications (ii) experience etc.
2 These posts are purely temporary and posts may increase/decrease as per need.
3. Candidate should bring and produce their original certificates and testimonials along with bio-data in support of degree and experiences. Any false claim will invite immediate rejection of the candidature.
4. No TADA will be paid for attending the interview/skill test.
5. If selected, candidates may be required to join immediately.
6. 6. Candidates should bring along with them their written and/or published work, if any, (including Books, Journals, Thesis/Dissertation Magazines, etc).
7. The Council reserves the right to relax any of the requirements i.e. educational qualification, experience etc. in exceptional cases.