Direct Recruitment of Manager (Electronics) under Advt. No. 1/2010
Ref (a) W.P (C) No. 5767/2011 - Vikas Singh & Ors. vs. AAI &
W.P(C) No.3216/2012-Mahendra Kumar Arya & Ors. vs. AAI before Hon'ble High Court of Delhi. (b) SLP 8072/8073 of 2016 before Hon'ble Supreme Court of
With reference to Court Orders dated 02.08.2013, 08.08.2013 and 02.03.2022 in the aforementioned Court Cases, intimation letters were sent to 37 candidates, seeking their willingness before issue of offer of appointment for the post of Manager (Electronics) under Advt. No. 1/2010.
However, some of the intimation letters posted to the candidates were returned/received undelivered/no response received.
The candidates who could not submit their willingness due to any reason and are willing to join AAI, may send their willingness in prescribed format at, within 15 days of this Notice.
In case no communication is received from the candidates, it will be considered that the candidates are not willing to accept the Offer of appointment/job.
For detailed information/list of selected candidates/prescribed format, candidates are requested to visit AAl's Website [under "AAI Important Notices" Section].