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8 ways to improve productivity using Youtube
Sep 27, 2022   Vikas Suhag

Youtube is a great way to learn nearly anything as well as entertainment. But finding the right content timely and keeping that content organized for later usage is very important and requires some extra effort. So in this blog, we will go through pictorial guide to using Youtube for better productivity. There are some obvious and easily accessible options like Music, Sports, Gaming, Movies, 360 videos for which Youtube provide dedicated links in their website and mobile apps.

Let's start with 8 ways to make your Youtube journey more exciting and productive:-

1. Filter the search Query further by Upload date, Type of content viz. Video, Channel, playlist etc., length of video, quality of video, subtitles availability, locations, 3D and number of views. Using multiple permutations and combination of all these filters will help you drill down the results to very few and find the right content for you.


2. Sometimes, we know the name of channel, but need to search within the channel only, then Youtube offers search within channel option as shown in picture below. It does not allow all those filters options instead.


3. Sign in to your Gmail account while using Youtube will keep all your browsing history stored and it will help in checking the videos later with further search capability.

4. Once you are logged in , you can post comments, and Youtube offers option to view all your comments in collective way , so if commented any query to any video, than through the comments history, you can reach back to video or channel that you would forget over time.


5. Youtube also stores your watch and search history, which can be a double sided sword, if used carelessly, it stores the time of watching video, device type. It also provide option to delete the history.

6. Lastly Youtube also offers to save your favorite video in playlist in private and public mode. So you organize your important videos like music, travel, education in sequence in playlist for later revisit.

7. Youtube subscribe and notification management allow you to receive the alerts for new videos published at particular channels of your interest area. This is the most used and I hope everyone is aware of this feature of Youtube.


8. Despite high availability of internet data in everyone's mobile, there are some video you wish to watch multiple times or you want to watch while in flight, train, treks, hikes and no-singal zones, then Youtube offers the option to download HD videos in your mobiles and laptops. Download in  laptops is new feature may not be available in all browsers. I have tested it in Google chrome. It may not work for everyone, it worked for one of my account but not for other. You check yours.

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